more from moymoypalaboy

Must link to Mommy’s post —

and also embed yet another one —

and please do not forget to click on “more info.” I would rather not quote it. Go watch it first, else you won’t understand the necessity of the note.

Sheeeez that brings back memories… jumping up and down on the trundle bed in my cousins’ bedroom in the middle of the night when all the parents were already asleep and listening to that song as softly as we could so as not to wake anyone, and yet loud enough so that we could enjoy it (meaning understand the words). Ohhhhh boy.

Muahahahaha I hope none of you think any worse of me for it. xD I was, what… 3? Or maybe 6… but I had to be either 3 or 6. So I guess 6. Ahahahahahahaha.

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